04/03/2013 15:20
4,309 Diaspora Armenian students study at universities of Armenia
4,309 Diaspora Armenian students currently study at universities of Armenia. Students from Georgia, mostly from Georgia’s Armenian-populated region of Javakhk, make up the largest proportion of Diaspora Armenian students, followed by those from Russia and Iran, Chairman of the Council of Diaspora Armenian Students Samvel Mkoyan said during a meeting with reporters today.
The majority of Diaspora students study at Medical University, State Engineering University of Armenia, and Pedagogical University.
Speaking about the problems of Diaspora Armenian students, the council chairman mentioned tuition fees which are by 30% higher than those paid by students residing in Armenia.
There has been an increase in the number of Syrian Armenian students. According to S. Mkoyan, they have accommodation problems, but various organizations help them, the preliminary courses at various universities give 50% discounts to Syrian Armenians, while the Armenian Youth Fund has transferred 40 million AMD in payment of tuition fees of Syrian Armenian students in bachelor’s programs.
The speaker stressed that a free system is available to excellent students from the Diaspora, but there is no discount system, which is an obstacle.