11/08/2021 17:36
Converse Bank. Funding and additional services for women
Converse Bank has launched a campaign within the framework of the EBRD "Women in Business" program. Within the framework of the campaign, startups and operating businesses are offered funding to replenish working capital, acquire fixed assets and repay accounts payable.
А grace period is envisaged for startup businesses.
Scope of beneficiaries includes female sole proprietors, or legal entities in which at least 50% of the shareholders or direct final beneficiaries are women.
The beneficiaries of the campaign will benefit from a range of banking products on preferential terms. In particular, for legal entities and sole proprietors - opening and maintaining current accounts, providing Internet-Banking service, servicing payment cards through POS terminals for the first year, etc. will be offered free of charge. For female borrowers who are sole proprietors, or individuals with at least 50% shareholding, or in the position of the director or are ultimate beneficiaries of the legal entity - opening and maintaining a savings account, issuing and servicing one Woman’s Card payment card during the operation of the package will be offered free of charge. One Visa Classic, Visa Gold or Mastercard Gold payment card will be provided and serviced at a 50% discount.
Free financial consultation will be provided if required.
For more details, please visit: https://www.conversebank.am/hy/campaignforwomen/
The oversight of the bank is exercised by the Central Bank.