27/09/2021 14:34
3,781 soldiers and civilians killed in Artsakh war
Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on the facts of unleashing and waging an aggressive war by the military-political leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh, during armed conflict using mercenaries recruited in advance, using prohibited methods of waging war, not separating civilians from military personnel, targeting civilians of peaceful settlements of the Republic of Artsakh for systematized, deliberate and intentional attacks, particularly targeting the civilians deep in the rear and civilian infrastructures, committing acts considered serious violations of international humanitarian law is ongoing in the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.
Through the criminal case it was found out that the total number of the military personnel and civilians killed in the Republic of Artsakh and in the Republic of Armenia in the result of the aggressive war unleashed by Azerbaijan is 3781. As of 27.09.2021 the location of 231 servicemen and 22 civilians is unknown.
To this day 108 captured servicemen and civilians in total have been handed over to the Republic of Armenia by the Republic of Azerbaijan.